July 11th- 15th, 2022. Royton Sapporo, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

Call for Invited Sessions

The IEEE/ASME AIM 2022 organizing committee invites professionals in the area of Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics to propose invited sessions to be held at IEEE/ASME AIM 2022 in Sapporo, Japan.

Invited sessions provide the opportunity to focus in detail on particular emerging topics, which are not reflected in the list of conference tracks or representative specific working fields, where researchers would like to meet and discuss advances.

Once approved, it is the responsibility of the organizers to publicize the invited session among researchers and practitioners in the field and attract a sufficient number of papers.

Papers submitted to invited sessions will undergo the same review process as regular papers. The Invited Session Chairs of the respective invited session will organize the review process, assuring at least two reviews per paper. This includes the selection of reviewers from their peers.

Before starting the review process, invited session organizers must declare papers that present a conflict of interest for them. A conflict of interest arises where the judgment of paper quality may be influenced by the organizers being the authors or knowing some of the authors. To ensure fair reviews, this conflict must be marked as such in the invited session proposal and the Invited Session Chairs notified so that they can arrange the review process.

6 papers (or multiples of 6, e.g., 12, 18, ...) should be invited to each proposed invited session. A minimum of 4 papers are required to form a session. If a session fails to collect a sufficient number of papers, accepted papers will be allocated to regular sessions wherever possible. Each invited session is strongly encouraged to invite authors from multiple institutions, in particular, outside of the organizer's own institution or research group.

Proposal Submissions

Please submit your proposal through Paper Plaza ( in PDF format. After you finish your proposal submission, a confirmation e-mail from Paper Plaza will be sent to your registered e-mail address. In this e-mail, you will find an invited session identification code. This code should be included in the submission of each paper. Please inform all of your potential authors about this code.

Link to Invited Session Proposal template

Important Dates

Submission deadline February 10, 2022 March 11, 2022
Acceptance notification date February 18, 2022


Invited Session Chairs of AIM 2022: